Intern Testimonials
Ha (Summerworks IRCO Intern)
“As a student and an introvert, the pandemic had negatively impacted my academic and life opportunities. However, my experience working with Torus has motivated me to change to the better and helped me adapt to the current situation. Similar to many internships, where we can gain skill/experience, build our network, explore our interest, etc. Torus is different to me in which we can help a minority community, create a special bond with another person, show each other the beauty of different cultures, or transform lives. Throughout my time with Torus, it was hard for me as an introvert to reach out and help others at first, but I eventually felt more comfortable with it thanks to the supportive team, who always check up on me and be there whenever I need. As an intern, I was grateful for the opportunities and and support that I have gotten here. It was a lovely experience working with everyone in Torus, and I am looking forward working here again.”
Vy (Summerworks IRCO Intern)
“My experiences with Torus have been refreshingly different from my experiences volunteering so far. I joined Torus in the first place in hope of opening new opportunities not only for me but learners who are struggling with new languages. Our community was extremely clear in outlining projects and each phase of the project was easily interpreted in a way our learners were comfortable sharing. I was beyond grateful to be a part of this organization. Every scope of work was well planned so I was always receiving the utmost support as an intern. I felt in sync with everyone participating and we were always checking up on each other, following through after discussion on confusions. This marks the end of my internship but I hope to be coming back as a volunteer.”
Thu (Summerworks IRCO Intern)
“Hello, my name is Thu Nguyen. I was interested in being involved in Torus because of my passion for helping others. I moved to the US 7 years ago, barely speaking any English beside the basic words. I was glad to have a very supportive teacher who helped me through the process of learning English to adapt to every day life. I would like to give back to my community, hence Torus was the perfect place for me to act on my passion. Through this program, not only I am able to help, but I am also learning crucial skills such as communication.”
Shawn (Summerworks IRCO Intern)
“I was interested in getting involved with Torus, because of the community I was raised in. Not everyone was an English speaker, and despite speaking Burmese the language they spoke, it was sometimes hard to keep a conversation going. This and having amazing English teachers through the years of schooling, inspired me to get involved. I also used to volunteer with another program called SOAR Legal, a place that assists refugees, Torus was the perfect place for me to bridge out to expanding my horizons and allows me to learn as I teach. I am appreciative of this organization allowing me to fueling my passion to help others.”